When I started learning about all the toxins I was putting into my body through years of processed food, I was horrified. I started to ask myself, how can I help my organs to get rid of these toxins more effectively? How can I help my gut to repair itself so that I don’t have bloating and gas for the rest of time? The answer wasn’t far away. The answer in part, for me, was digestive enzymes, especially in the beginning of my gut health journey.
How Enzymes Work
Our organs produce digestive enzymes and different enzymes work on different foods. There are specific enzymes for starches and carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
We can also access enzymes from external sources like raw fruits, vegetables, cold pressed oils and raw dairy. Yet when these foods are heated, the enzymes quickly denature and our organs are forced to carry the whole load. This is stressful to our bodies, and a lot of work. Mostly humans have had access to a certain percentage of raw foods but in the last 50 years we’ve transitioned into a highly processed=cooked diet.
By incorporating digestive enzyme supplements and eating more raw foods, I quickly went from bloated and uncomfortable most of the time to energized and light. Giving my body exactly what it needed to break down and easily assimilate the food I was taking in made all the difference. Because when your body has to pour all it’s resources into breaking down the food you’re eating, there isn’t much space left for anything else.
Digestive enzymes were a simple addition that helped me so much in the early repair stages. Now that I’ve got my diet figured out I don’t supplement with them anymore but I think they’re a great short term solution to digestive issues. Just remember, a big raw salad a day keeps the doctor away.
If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion and boosting your energy then check out my new comprehensive program Healthy Life with Confidence, details here. In the program you get a ton of delicious satisfying recipes as well as strategies that will help rebuild your intestinal flora.
Or join me on my Facebook page Wellness Blueprint Society where I’ll be sharing more information, tips and recipes to help you live a happier, healthier life.
To your wellness,
Fiona xoxo
Book a free Strategy call here
@Sheryl Anne Tiongson