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How Aloe Juice Changed Improved My Gut Health

Fiona Chapman

Aloe is a powerful plant. When I used to hear aloe I would automatically think of sunburn relief. In a similar way, aloe helps to relieve intestinal damage. It’s got nourishing properties unparalleled by anything else in the plant world. It’s almost as if aloe vera was made for the human gut. I can’t believe the results that taking aloe juice gave me, and from my experience it’s one of the most transformative supplements for a healthy gut.

Why Aloe Juice Worked for Me

Aloe provides soothing relief from digestive distress. It nourishes the intestinal lining and promotes easy elimination without pain or excess acidity. My digestion used to be all over the place and I would often get uncomfortable gas and bloating.

Aloe vera juice is rich in enzymes that help break down food and increase assimilation. This basically eliminated the issues I was having with poor digestion. Aloe vera has prebiotic compounds that help feed healthy bacteria in the gut. It’s also helpful for acid reflux issues as it nourishes and soothes the esophageal lining.

The best part about aloe is that it isn’t just another isolated supplement, it’s a food. It’s loaded with nutrients like vitamin A, C, E, B12 and folic acid as well as minerals and contains nearly all the essential amino acids.

It’s easy to use this common houseplant, you can buy the juice directly, or start growing your own organic aloe. It’s one of the lowest maintenance plants you can get (which is the only reason mine’s still alive). Once your aloe plant has reached a healthy size you can cut a leaf off, split it open and add the gel to your smoothies or water.

Holistic health doesn’t get much easier than aloe vera.

Add all ingredients to your blender and process until super smooth.

If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion and boosting your energy then check out my new comprehensive program Healthy Life with Confidence, details here. In the program you get a ton of delicious satisfying recipes as well as strategies that will help rebuild your intestinal flora.

Or join me on my Facebook page Wellness Blueprint Society where I’ll be sharing more information, tips and recipes to help you live a happier, healthier life.

To your wellness,

Fiona xoxo

Book a free Strategy call here

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