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My 5 Awesome tips to Surviving the ‘Silly Season’

Fiona Chapman

.......without giving up the things you love

Can you believe we are bearing down on that time of year again? I look back over the year and wonder where the time went. Have I achieved everything I wanted and what do I need to do to get things moving that were left on the to do list.

For some reason the anxiety begins to creep in when feeling you haven’t ticked all the boxes of the things you wanted to get done. Its as if the world comes to an end on the 24th December and doesn’t start again until sometime in January. Do you feel like this?

Well what if this year I give you 5 awesome tips to help you navigate through this busy period without feeling stressed and anxious. (You’re Welcome!). After all it’s a time to celebrate and reward for all you have done during the year. Plans begin for next year and if you are lucky enough to have some time off from work you probably want to go on leave knowing that everything is set to start the new year off smoothly. After all you don’t want to come back and destroy the beautiful break you had.

There’s no time like now to get STARTED NOW to avoid the overwhelm you’ve felt in the past coming into the festive season

1. BREATHE. I know it sounds basic but really this is important. When you begin to feel the overwhelm creeping up just take a few minutes to STOP and take some deep breaths that will calm you straight away. A great tip is to learn the use of the word NO. Learning to say no to those that are literally sucking the life out of you (you know the ones that you feel the hairs on your neck begin to stand up when they call for a favour) as much as it is awesome to catch up with family and friends sometimes expectations are higher than normal around this time of year and everyone has a movie of how they think things should be. Also learn to say YES, Yes to “can I bring a plate of something when Aunt Flo asks would you like some lemon slice, yes to Uncle Don clearing the table and packing the dishwasher, you get my drift (even though it’s nice to have everyone around it can be draining). Aaaand remember YOU don’t have to do everything!

2. TIPPLE Choose this wisely. Sugary drinks e.g. Rum and Cola are going to give you more chance of a hangover, sluggish liver and impaired tummy function. So, try a refreshing Vodka and soda topped up with lots of ice sprig of mint and a twist of lime instead not only is it refreshing it will keep you hydrated too (this is my favourite)! If you are a gin drinker instead of tonic on its own try ½ soda, ½ tonic to keep sugar content down. You could try a low-carb beer if that’s your style, or a wine spritzer (½ wine and ½ sparkling water with ice). Always make sure that you are drinking plenty of filtered water too when drinking alcohol as it is very dehydrating.

3. HYDRATION This is the simplest but often forgotten tip I can give you. The weather begins to heat up now and we often forget to top up our water and keep hydrated. Try keeping a bottle of water with you during the day even before you head out to the party. When we are lacking water in our cells, we become tired and lethargic, our bodies begin to hold onto the little water we do consume, and we start to feel puffy. Water will help us with our digestion and liver function eliminating all those extra toxins we are indulging in when celebrating and catching up with friends! BONUS: You reduce the chance of hangover when you remember to drink lots of water too.

4. KEEP CARBS IN CHECK OK this one is not about a specific diet it’s about avoiding that sluggish feeling that comes after too many cakes, biscuits, pies and pasties etc. Try having a snack before heading out like some veggie sticks with hummus, boiled egg, celery sticks or banana with nut butter etc. (see below for access to my Awesome tasty snacks recipe Ebook) This will help to slow the uptake of alcohol into the bloodstream again to help avoid the dreaded hangover. It will also add some extra fibre to the diet which helps to process those toxins out of your system. When you are at a party look for the best options like salads and good protein rather than fried foods and pastries, keep these to a minimum.

5. LIVER SUPPORT (& Tummy too) This is important as you don’t want to start 2020 off on the back foot. Our livers do need nurturing as does our tummy. We find at this time of year we get less sleep (this is when our body repairs itself) and therefore we need a little more help to get us through. I have already started THE SILLY SEASON WELLNESS SYSTEM as I want my tummy and liver happy (and nervous system) whilst being able to relax with those I love to spend time enjoying a tipple without feeling awful after. If you would like to get started on THE SILLY SEASON WELLNESS SYSTEM, I am offering this package (with supplements to support liver and tummy, and 30 minute call –[I know you are busy], bonus inspiring recipes and handouts) as an all-inclusive 1:1 to get you started. Now you can go through the Silly Season knowing you are supporting your wellness and begin the New Year fresh.

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