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Stress Busting Tips

Stress coping

How to cope when you feel you are being pulled in different directions

Stress is a natural, evolutionary body response. We instinctively react to stress in life with a fight, flight or freeze type reaction. Stress comes in different ways it may be an acute stressful event such as deadlines for work or presenting to a new client, or it may be the ongoing challenge of raising kids, the daily commute, or financial pressures. Your body will still have a response, even if you do not feel like you’re stressed. You don’t have to be ripping your hair out to be suffering from the effects of stress.

Do you have the symptoms of stress?

Stress can be an underlying factor behind a myriad of health conditions, and can present itself in many different ways.

  • low energy

  • difficulty sleeping

  • poor memory and concentration

  • mood changes

  • digestive disturbances.

Long term stress may lead to:

  • hormonal and thyroid imbalances

  • obesity

  • a weakened immune system

Stress can be both a cause and a consequence of illness which is why it is so important to deal with stress. Not only will you feel better, but it will promote your future wellbeing.

Some vital nutrients that may be useful to you in times of stress include:

  • Magnesium: Stress reduces your stores of magnesium, and a low levels in the body may in fact make the effects of stress worse! Magnesium also supports a healthy nervous system.

  • B vitamins: Help to support stress regulating brain chemicals called neurotransmitters to keep you in a good mood. B vitamins also help improve your vitality.

  • Essential fatty acids: Are an vital building block for the brain and nervous system, and can help support healthy mood.

  • Herbal medicine: There is an abundance of calming herbs that provide effective relief from a wide range of mood or stress symptoms. Chamomile supports the nervous system and is great in a tea

Stress Busting Diet and Lifestyle Tips

Apply these simple approaches every day to keep on top of your stress:

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol.

  • Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugary foods.

  • Enjoy a small amount of dark chocolate.

  • Enjoy exercise and physical activity.

  • Engage in activities that make you happy.

  • Try meditation - deep and conscious breathing calms your nervous system.

Don’t Let Stress Get Hold Of You

Even if you do not think of yourself as stressed, consider whether your body, mind and soul need a little more nurture and nourishment. You may think you are quite resilient, but with any type of stress, your body may have an increased need for supportive nutrients as it burns through these when under the pump.

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